path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-29FUNCTIONS: filter -fno-plt in disable_picFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-29libsigc++3.0: new spell, callback system for use in widget librariesIsmael Luceno
2020-01-28ttf-jetbrains-mono: new spell, JetBrains Mono TypefaceIsmael Luceno
2020-01-28python-colcon-core: new spell, collective constructionIsmael Luceno
2020-01-24libs/heatshrink: new spell, a compression library for real-time systemsFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-22net/wireguard: deprecated in favour of wireguard-toolsFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-22kernels/wireguard-modules: new spell, the kernel module for WireGuardFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-22net/wireguard-tools: new spell, the main userspace tooling for using and conf...Florian Franzmann
2020-01-20gnu.gpg - add Paul D. SmithTreeve Jelbert
2020-01-19wm-addons/rofi-calc: new spell, a front end for qalculateFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-19python-pypi/python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath: a sphinx extension which renders dis...Florian Franzmann
2020-01-19python-pypi/python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp: new spell, a sphinx extension whic...Florian Franzmann
2020-01-19python-pypi/python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: new spell, a sphinx extensi...Florian Franzmann
2020-01-19python-pypi/python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp: new spell, a sphinx extension which ...Florian Franzmann
2020-01-19new spell, 26 stemmers for 25 languages generated from Snowball algorithmsFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-19libs/snowball: new spell, a small string processing language designed for cre...Florian Franzmann
2020-01-19python-pypi/python-alabaster: new spell, the default theme for python-sphinxFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-19utils/sphinx: deprecated in favour of python-sphinxFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-19python-pypi/python-imagesize: new spell, extracts image sizes from filesFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-13x11/xtitle: new spell, outputs the title of X11 windowsFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-12crypto/pass-import: new spell, import passwords from most managers into passw...Florian Franzmann
2020-01-12FUNCTIONS: add disable_gc_sectionsFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-12FUNCTIONS: add disable_cf_protectionFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-12FUNCTIONS: add disable_stack_protectorFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-12crypto/pass-otp: new spell, a pass extension for managing one-time-password (...Florian Franzmann
2020-01-12crypto/rofi-pass: new spell, password-store support for rofiFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-11python-pypi/pyqt5-sip: new spell, sip extension module supporting PyQt5Florian Franzmann
2020-01-09rust-crates/FUNCTIONS: fix build/install by specifying CARGO_HOMEFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-06perl-cpan/io-html: new spell, opens an HTML file with automatic charset detec...Florian Franzmann
2020-01-06wm-addons/i3blocks: new spell, a feed generator for text based status barsFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-06FUNCTIONS: add disable_z_nowFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-06FUNCTIONS: add disable_relroFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-06FUNCTIONS: fix documentationFlorian Franzmann
2020-01-04FUNCTIONS: add disable_fortify_sourceFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-30audio-libs/dcadec: deprecated in favour of ffmpegFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-29ktimetracker-5.0.1Treeve Jelbert
2019-12-29kde.gpg - add Alexander PotashevTreeve Jelbert
2019-12-23f2fs-tools 1.13.0Treeve Jelbert
2019-12-22python-pypi/python-pexpect: new spell, a Pure Python Expect-like moduleFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-22python-pypi/python-ptyprocess: new spell, launches subprocesses in a pseudo t...Florian Franzmann
2019-12-22python-pypi/python-cpplint: new spell, a tool for checking adherence to the G...Florian Franzmann
2019-12-22python-pypi/python-packaging: new spell, core utilities for Python packagesFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-22python-pypi/python-toml: new spell, a library for reading/writing TOMLFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-22FUNCTIONS: add function for disabling -fexceptionsFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-22FUNCTIONS: Add function for disabling the stack-clash protection gcc flagFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-22ruby-raa/asciidoctor: new spell, a documentation generatorFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-22utils/fio: new spell, an i/o benchmarkFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-22python-pypi/cmake-lint: new spell, a linter for cmake scriptsFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-22libs/hiberlite: new spell, C++ ORM for SQLiteFlorian Franzmann
2019-12-22libs/safeclib: new spell, an implementation of annex K of the C standardFlorian Franzmann