path: root/science/gwyddion/DEPENDS
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'science/gwyddion/DEPENDS')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/science/gwyddion/DEPENDS b/science/gwyddion/DEPENDS
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..373eb634f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/science/gwyddion/DEPENDS
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+depends cairo &&
+depends fftw &&
+depends gettext &&
+depends gtk+2 &&
+depends pango &&
+optional_depends gtkglext \
+ --{with,without}-gl \
+ 'for OpenGL 3D view widgets' &&
+optional_depends zlib \
+ --{with,without}-zlib \
+ 'for compressed file support (e.g. Createc/NRRD/MATLAB)' &&
+optional_depends bzip2 \
+ --{with,without}-bzip2 \
+ 'for compressed file support (e.g. NRRD)' &&
+# FIXME minizip 3.x not supported
+optional_depends libzip \
+ --with-zip={libzip,no} \
+ 'for zip support' &&
+# FIXME only Python 2.x supported
+optional_depends python \
+ --{with,without}-python \
+ 'for Python modules and plugins' &&
+# FIXME optional dep not optional
+depends pygtk2 --with-pygwy &&
+# optional_depends pygtk2 \
+# --{with,without}-pygwy \
+# 'for Python wrapper to Gwyddion' &&
+if is_depends_enabled "$SPELL" pygtk2; then
+ optional_depends gtksourceview \
+ --{with,without}-gitksourceview \
+ 'for better pygwy console UI'
+fi &&
+optional_depends perl \
+ --{with,without}-perl \
+ 'for Perl modules and plugins' &&
+optional_depends ruby \
+ --{with,without}-ruby \
+ 'for Ruby modules and plugins' &&
+optional_depends libpng \
+ '' '' \
+ 'for PNG import/export' &&
+optional_depends libwebp \
+ '' '' \
+ 'for WebP import/export' &&
+optional_depends openexr \
+ '' '' \
+ 'for HDR OpenEXR import/export' &&
+optional_depends hdf5 \
+ --{with,without}-hdf5 \
+ 'for Asylum Research Ergo import' &&
+optional_depends cfitsio \
+ '' '' \
+ 'for FITS image import' &&
+optional_depends libxml2 \
+ --{with,without}-libxml2 \
+ 'for SPML importer' &&
+optional_depends jansson \
+ --{with,without}-jansson \
+ 'for PS-PPT importer' &&
+optional_depends libunique \
+ --{with,without}-unique \
+ 'for modern remote control backend'