path: root/x11-libs/wine/DEPENDS
blob: aa3aae1b1a48bbd4594996e972a381b27cbd7d10 (plain) (tree)

































depends  bison      &&
depends  flex       &&
depends  gettext    &&
depends  GIFLIB     &&

if  [[ $WINE_BRANCH == scm ]];  then
  depends  git
fi  &&

optional_depends  zlib                         \
                  '--with-zlib'                \
                  '--without-zlib'             \
                  'for zlib data compression'  &&

optional_depends  alsa-lib                  \
                  '--with-alsa'             \
                  '--without-alsa'          \
                  'for ALSA audio support'  &&

optional_depends  CUPS                      \
                  "--with-cups"             \
                  "--without-cups"          \
                  "for printing support"    &&

optional_depends  docbook-utils             \
                  ""                        \
                  ""                        \
                  "for building wine documentation"  &&

optional_depends  fontconfig                  \
                  '--with-fontconfig'         \
                  '--without-fontconfig'      \
                  'use fontconfig for fonts'  &&

optional_depends  fontforge            \
                  ''                   \
                  ''                   \
                  'for building fonts' &&

optional_depends  freetype2             \
                  "--with-freetype"     \
                  "--without-freetype"  \
                  "for font rendering"  &&

optional_depends  hal                                \
                  '--with-hal'                       \
                  '--without-hal'                    \
                  'for dynamic drive configuration'  &&

optional_depends  JPEG                      \
                  '--with-jpeg'             \
                  '--without-jpeg'          \
                  'for JPEG supprt'         &&

optional_depends  lcms2                       \
                    '--with-cms'                \
                    '--without-cms'             \
                    'for CMS color management' &&

optional_depends  libgphoto2                             \
                  '--with-gphoto'                        \
                  '--without-gphoto'                     \
                  'for digital camera support'           &&

optional_depends  libpng                                 \
                  '--with-png'                           \
                  '--without-png'                        \
                  'for PNG image support'                &&

optional_depends  libxslt                                \
                  '--with-xslt --with-xml'               \
                  '--without-xslt --without-xml'         \
                  'for a functional Microsoft XML (MSXML) implementation'  &&

if is_depends_enabled $SPELL libxslt; then
  depends libxml2
fi &&

optional_depends  MSTTF                                  \
                  ''                                     \
                  ''                                     \
                  'for original MS TrueType fonts'       \
                  'z-rejected'                           &&

# the --with-curses option fails
# because it can't find libncurses
#optional_depends  ncurses               \
#                  ""                    \
#                  "--without-curses"    \
#                  "curses gui?"         &&

optional_depends  OPENGL                \
                  '--with-opengl'       \
                  '--without-opengl'    \
                  'for OpenGL support'  &&

optional_depends  openldap                                             \
                  '--with-ldap'                                        \
                  '--without-ldap'                                     \
                  'for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol support'  &&

optional_depends  gnutls                            \
                  '--with-gnutls'                   \
                  '--without-gnutls'                \
                  'for GNU TLS (schannel) support'  &&

optional_depends  winedoc                   \
                  ""                        \
                  ""                        \
                  "for wine documentation"  &&

optional_depends  sane-backends             \
                  '--without-sane'          \
                  '--without-sane'          \
                  'for scanner support'     &&

optional_depends  libx11                    \
                  "--with-x"                \
                  "--without-x"             \
                  "X gui support"           &&
if is_depends_enabled $SPELL libx11;then
depends libice &&
depends libsm  &&
optional_depends  libxinerama                           \
                  '--with-xinerama'                     \
                  '--without-xinerama'                  \
                  'for X11 Xinerama extension support'  &&

optional_depends  libxi                                 \
                  '--with-xinput'                       \
                  '--without-xinput'                    \
                  'for X11 Xinput support'              &&

optional_depends  libxcomposite                         \
                  '--with-xcomposite'                   \
                  '--without-xcomposite'                \
                  'for X11 COMPOSITE extension support'

optional_depends  libxcursor                            \
                  '--with-xcursor'                      \
                  '--without-xcursor'                   \
                  'for X11 cursor extension support'

optional_depends  libxrandr                             \
                  '--with-xrandr'                       \
                  '--without-xrandr'                    \
                  'for X11 XRandr extension support'    &&

optional_depends  libxrender                            \
                  '--with-xrender'                      \
                  '--without-xrender'                   \
                  'for X11 XRender extension support'   &&

optional_depends  libxext                             \
                  '--with-xshape'                     \
                  '--without-xshape'                  \
                  'for X11 XShape extension support'  &&

optional_depends  libxxf86vm                            \
                  '--with-xxf86vm'                      \
                  '--without-xxf86vm'                   \
                  'for Xvidmode support'
fi &&
suggest_depends  'wine-gecko'                       \
                 ''                                 \
                 ''                                 \
                 'for pre-downloaded GECKO engine'  \
                 'z-rejected'                       &&

optional_depends mpg123                      \
                 '--with-mpg123'             \
                 '--without-mpg123'          \
                 'for MP3 decoding support'  &&

optional_depends openal-soft                           \
                 '--with-openal'                       \
                 '--without-openal'                    \
                 'for Open Audio Library API support'  &&

optional_depends pulseaudio\
                  '--with-pulse' \
                  'sound support' &&
suggest_depends  prelink  ''  ''  'to correctly set base address of core dlls'