SPELL=xkeyboard-config VERSION=1.8 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.bz2 SOURCE_URL[0]=http://xlibs.freedesktop.org/xkbdesc/$SOURCE SOURCE_GPG=gurus.gpg:$SOURCE.sig:WORKS_FOR_ME SOURCE_DIRECTORY="$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION" WEB_SITE=http://xorg.freedesktop.org/ ENTERED=20051125 LICENSE[0]=XCL BUILD_API=2 SHORT="keyboard data files for the X.Org server" cat << EOF The non-arch keyboard configuration database for X Window. The goal is to provide the consistent, well-structured, frequently released open source of X keyboard configuration data for X Window System implementations (free, open source and commercial). The project is targeted to XKB-based systems. EOF