SPELL=xpr VERSION=1.0.5 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.bz2 SOURCE_URL[0]=https://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/app/${SOURCE} SOURCE2=$SOURCE.sig SOURCE2_URL[0]=${SOURCE_URL[0]}.sig SOURCE_GPG=xorg.gpg:$SOURCE.sig:UPSTREAM_KEY SOURCE2_IGNORE=signature SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION WEB_SITE=https://xorg.freedesktop.org ENTERED=20051125 LICENSE[0]=XCL SHORT="Print an X window dump" cat << EOF xpr takes as input a window dump file produced by xwd(1) and formats it for output on PostScript printers, the Digital LN03 or LA100, the IBM PP3812 page printer, the HP LaserJet (or other PCL printers), or the HP PaintJet. If no file argument is given, the standard input is used. By default, xpr prints the largest possible representation of the window on the output page. Options allow the user to add headers and trailers, specify margins, adjust the scale and orientation, and append multiple window dumps to a single output file. Output is to standard output unless -output is specified. EOF