SPELL="xkbset" VERSION="0.5" SOURCE="${SPELL}-${VERSION}.tar.gz" SOURCE_URL[0]="https://faculty.missouri.edu/~stephen/software/${SPELL}/${SOURCE}" SOURCE_HINTS="no-check-certificate" SOURCE_HASH="sha512:64de1a18076c0e0fd3e3189444b6033880028f53777566286caf935bfafcf062ccbd408d20926e2a4febb77d15b026349e0288f2aa93c815ddd9437b96589d8c" SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-${VERSION}" WEB_SITE="https://faculty.missouri.edu/~stephen/software#xkbset" LICENSE[0]="BSD" ENTERED="20171015" SHORT="a simple program to set up AccessX" cat << EOF xkbset is a program rather like xset in that it allows you to set various features of the X window interface. It allows one to configure most of the options connected with the XKB extensions. They are described in Section 10 of XKBlib.ps. This includes customizing the following: MouseKeys: using the numeric pad keys to move the mouse; StickyKeys: where modifiers like control and shift will lock until the next key press (good for one finger typing); SlowKeys: The keys will not work unless they are pressed for a certain amount of time; BounceKeys: If a key is pressed more than once rapidly, only one key press will be registered. EOF