SPELL=xditview VERSION=1.0.5 SOURCE=${SPELL}-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 SOURCE_URL[0]=https://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/app/${SOURCE} SOURCE2=$SOURCE.sig SOURCE2_URL[0]=${SOURCE_URL[0]}.sig SOURCE_GPG=xorg.gpg:$SOURCE.sig:UPSTREAM_KEY SOURCE2_IGNORE=signature SOURCE_DIRECTORY=${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-${VERSION} WEB_SITE=https://xorg.freedesktop.org ENTERED=20051125 LICENSE[0]=XCL SHORT="Module xditview for xorg" cat << EOF The XOrg Foundation, (a.k.a. X.org) has changed to an Open Source model to maintain the official Public Implementation of X11. The XOrg Foundation invites anyone who has an interest to join in. Anyone may create and work on a branch in the repository. See XOrgRepository for more information about the XOrg Foundation repository. The repository consists of an imported XFree86 tree that is very close to their 4.4 release. Just before its 4.4 release, XFree86 adopted a new licensing scheme incompatible with the GPL. For this reason, we have recreated its tree as closely as possible without importing files affected by the new license. Our tree is being referred to as simply "XOrg", and a public release will be made shortly. EOF