SPELL=xcb-util-image VERSION=0.4.0 SOURCE_HASH=sha512:9b7202c054e1160f9ca97a86be1210d9fb47f2119f89ca85f15f20909cca884bfe0cb88e3e71c75b65e1a0a72b980066ccac810e41a91db895c74dde77440d4f SOURCE="${SPELL}-${VERSION}.tar.bz2" SOURCE_URL[0]=http://xcb.freedesktop.org/dist/${SOURCE} SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-${VERSION}" WEB_SITE="http://xcb.freedesktop.org/" LICENSE[0]=XCL ENTERED=20111125 SHORT="XCB image library" cat << EOF The xcb-util module provides a number of libraries which sit on top of libxcb, the core X protocol library, and some of the extension libraries. These experimental libraries provide convenience functions and interfaces which make the raw X protocol more usable. Some of the libraries also provide client-side code which is not strictly part of the X protocol but which have traditionally been provided by Xlib. Image module is a port o Xlib's XImage and XShmImage functions. EOF