2018-09-21 Vlad Glagolev * DEPENDS: corrected glib2 dependency 2012-02-24 Pol Vinogradov * DETAILS: version 0.8.8 2011-10-04 Bor Kraljič * DEPENDS: removed optional dependency on kdelibs 2010-12-23 Pol Vinogradov * PRE_BUILD: added to fix compiling with gtk 2010-04-19 Arjan Bouter * DETAILS: version 0.8.6 2009-10-23 Bearcat M. Sandor * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.8.4 2009-04-15 Eric Sandall * DETAILS: WEB_SITE is http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/Compiz Updated to 0.8.2 SOURCE_URL is now under releases.compiz.org 2008-10-04 Eric Sandall * DETAILS: Updated to 0.7.8 2008-09-26 Arjan Bouter * DEPENDS: added most missing optionals 2008-08-20 Martin Spitzbarth * DEPENDS: added gconf2 as a dependency 2008-06-03 Andraž "ruskie" Levstik * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.7.6 2008-04-20 Andraž "ruskie" Levstik * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.7.4 fixed WEB_SITE 2008-04-13 Eric Sandall * DEPENDS: Depends on xorg-server built with composite support Bug #13360 Depends on libx11 built with libxcb support Bug #14452 2008-03-31 Lalo Martins * DEPENDS: made gtk and kde depends optional 2008-03-20 Andraž ruskie Levstik * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.7.2 fixed WEB_SITE 2008-03-17 Eric Sandall * CONFLICTS: Auto-conflicts with xorg as well 2008-03-16 Eric Sandall * CONFLICTS: Auto-conflicts with all prior monolithic X providers 2008-02-26 Andraž ruskie Levstik * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.7.0 2007-12-02 Andraž "ruskie" Levstik * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.6.2 2007-10-03 Andraž "ruskie" Levstik * DETAILS: Changed SOURCE_URL[0] extension updated spell to 0.6.0 2007-09-30 Lalo Martins * DETAILS: update to 0.5.2 2007-04-03 Andraž "ruskie" Levstik * DETAILS: update to 0.5.0 2007-01-06 Andraž "ruskie" Levstik * DETAILS: update to 0.3.6 * DEPENDS: added missing depends 2006-11-24 Andraž "ruskie" Levstik * DETAILS: update to 0.3.4 2006-10-22 Andraž "ruskie" Levstik * DETAILS: update to 0.3.2 2006-10-03 Andraž "ruskie" Levstik * DETAILS, DEPENDS, HISTORY: created spell