SPELL=verve-plugin VERSION=0.3.5 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.bz2 SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION SOURCE_URL[0]=http://goodies.xfce.org/releases/$SPELL/$SOURCE WEB_SITE=http://xfce-goodies.berlios.de SOURCE_GPG="gurus.gpg:$SOURCE.sig" LICENSE[0]=GPL ENTERED=20070124 KEYWORDS="xfce" SHORT="A command entry box for the XFce4 panel" cat << EOF verve puts a small entry widget onto your panel. You can execute programs by typing their names in the widget and hitting Enter or Ctrl+Enter. The latter runs the command in a terminal. It maintains history which is shared with xfrun4. This history can be accessed by Up and Down keys. EOF