SPELL=type1inst VERSION=0.6.1 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.gz SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION SOURCE_URL[0]=http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/X11/xutils/$SOURCE SOURCE_HASH=sha512:fe509e4030fde355dfc7b1e1aaeffdc387af123bcb9a0fd564c7ac21c72bcaa7bce13da1a2e2ee6b76406f3649faaaf72277cab44331a6b6609c4029a8c9819f LICENSE[0]=GPL KEYWORDS="fonts x11 libs" WEB_SITE=http://www.xfree86.org/4.2.0/fonts2.html ENTERED=20020617 SHORT="Create fonts.scale and fonts.dir files for Type1 fonts" cat << EOF While it is possible to create the 'fonts.scale' file by hand, it is simpler and more convenient to have it generated automatically. Utilities to perform this task are available, but are not currently included with XFree86. For Type 1 fonts, you may use a utility called 'type1inst' which is available from standard Free Software repositories throughout the world. EOF