SPELL=tango-icon-theme VERSION=0.8.90 SOURCE=${SPELL}-${VERSION}.tar.gz SOURCE_DIRECTORY=${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-${VERSION} SOURCE_URL[0]=http://tango.freedesktop.org/releases/${SOURCE} SOURCE_GPG="gurus.gpg:${SOURCE}.sig" LICENSE[0]=GPL WEB_SITE=http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project KEYWORDS="tango icons" ENTERED=20060722 SHORT="Tango icon theme" cat << EOF This is an icon theme that follows the Tango visual guidelines [1]. Currently it depends on Imagemagick for creation of 24x24 bitmaps by adding a 1px padding around the 22x22px version. For GNOME and KDE you will also need icon-naming-utils that allow the theme to work in these environments before they follow the new naming scheme [2]. [1] http://tango-project.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines [2] http://tango-project.org/Standard_Icon_Naming_Specification EOF