SPELL=herbstluftwm VERSION=0.6.2 SOURCE="${SPELL}-${VERSION}.tar.gz" SOURCE_URL[0]=http://${SPELL}.org/tarballs/${SOURCE} SOURCE_HASH=sha512:3fa70a285e21c9e0717f3301227b2fcc578e819c50d2bf380311253db2f5c864d6e42020b8b278ba4e555b5d75e0572144e06c0e8f2a395155415a4902a95421 SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-${VERSION}" WEB_SITE="http://herbstluftwm.org" LICENSE[0]=BSD ENTERED=20130611 SHORT="a manual tiling window manager" cat << EOF herbstluftwm is a manual tiling window manager for X11 using Xlib and Glib. Its main features can be described with: * the layout is based on splitting frames into subframes which can be split again or can be filled with windows (similar to i3/ musca) * tags (or workspaces or virtual desktops or …) can be added/removed at runtime. Each tag contains an own layout * exactly one tag is viewed on each monitor. The tags are monitor independent (similar to xmonad) * it is configured at runtime via ipc calls from herbstclient. So the configuration file is just a script which is run on startup. (similar to wmii/ musca) EOF