SPELL=quicktime4linux VERSION=2.2 SOURCE_HASH=sha512:4fe6f2dd4810de1877590827ed37bae746229d5e696ccc8d6fda7c46a251b6e22e85054771da598d3d5b0721fa7d261db4db3c514d359da8319ddb98b18f18a5 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION-src.tar.bz2 SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION SOURCE_URL[0]=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/heroines/$SOURCE WEB_SITE=http://heroinewarrior.com LICENSE[0]=LGPL ENTERED=20030425 KEYWORDS="video libs" SHORT="Access uncompressed Quicktime movies on Linux the easy way" cat << EOF Quicktime 4 Linux was the first convenient way to read and write uncompressed Quicktime movies on Linux. Today Quicktime 4 Linux is intended for content creation and uncompressed movies. These usually arise during the production phase and not the consumer phase of a movie. It has improvements in colormodel support, bit depth, accuracy, reliability, and codecs, while not stressing economy. Users wishing for a consumer library should use OpenQuicktime or FFMPEG. EOF