SPELL=telepathy-mission-control VERSION=5.16.3 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.gz SOURCE2=$SOURCE.asc WEB_SITE=http://telepathy.freedesktop.org SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION SOURCE_URL[0]=$WEB_SITE/releases/$SPELL/$SOURCE SOURCE2_URL[0]=${SOURCE_URL[0]}.asc SOURCE_GPG=telepathy.gpg:$SOURCE.asc:UPSTREAM_KEY SOURCE2_IGNORE=signature LICENSE[0]=LGPL ENTERED=20070511 KEYWORDS="telepathy" SHORT="telepathy connection manager" cat << EOF Mission Control, or MC, is a Telepathy component providing a way for "end-user" applications to abstract some of the details of connection managers, to provide a simple way to manipulate a bunch of connection managers at once, and to remove the need to have in each program the account definitions and credentials. EOF