SPELL=rkward VERSION=0.5.6 SOURCE="${SPELL}-${VERSION}.tar.gz" SOURCE_URL[0]=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/${SPELL}/${SOURCE} SOURCE_HASH=sha512:06f077515e20c765815205d5559fe6e65c475b7d5fb74f2b6e590f753e9cc7d639ca8b2aa3a27fa3645e89ca080f5e80066bca513d4ba18c276d14f6b8f1722d SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-${VERSION}" WEB_SITE="http://rkward.sourceforge.net" LICENSE[0]=GPL ENTERED=20070129 SHORT="An extensible, easy to use front-end for R." cat << EOF RKWard aims to provide an easily extensible, easy to use IDE/GUI for the R project. RKWard strives to combine the power of the R language with the (relative) ease of use of commercial statistical packages. While RKWard is far from finished, it is already useful as an IDE interface to the R language. EOF