SPELL=grass VERSION=6.4.2 SOURCE="${SPELL}-${VERSION}.tar.gz" SOURCE_URL[0]=http://${SPELL}.osgeo.org/${SPELL}64/source/${SOURCE} SOURCE_HASH=sha512:537905942965ca949ce241c9e147bb340837f1815d36a1d0170cf18482f66936cb24bda540345d8287a98e4a9275fc129bbc4decf7c3053d123e0f90819b2e5b SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-${VERSION}" WEB_SITE="http://grass.osgeo.org" LICENSE[0]="GPL" ENTERED=20091102 KEYWORDS="gis" SHORT="Geographic Information System" cat << EOF GRASS (the Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is a software raster- and vector-based GIS (Geographic Information System), image processing system, graphics production system, and spatial modeling system. It contains many modules for raster data manipulation, vector data manipulation, rendering images on the monitor or paper, multispectral image geocoding and processing, point data management and general data management. It also has tools for interfacing with digitizers, scanners, and the PostgreSQL, DBF, and ODBC connected databases. GRASS operates on all common operating systems. EOF