SPELL=gqrx VERSION=2.11.5 SOURCE="${SPELL}-${VERSION}.tar.xz" SOURCE_URL[0]=https://github.com/csete/gqrx/releases/download/v${VERSION}/gqrx-sdr-${VERSION}-src.tar.xz SOURCE_HASH=sha512:f1006c37567a6c177ec0f5d15dcef9803b5dc1b124226b552b408e4ce0b3279a845a5875bfb1d7ccd6563b41f67c07a434f325e4ee8d28db2ee19b249159d3a3 SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-sdr-${VERSION}" WEB_SITE="http://gqrx.dk/" LICENSE[0]=GPL ENTERED=20150819 SHORT="a software defined radio receiver" cat << EOF Gqrx is a software defined radio receiver powered by the GNU Radio SDR framework and the Qt graphical toolkit. Gqrx supports many of the SDR hardware available, including Funcube Dongles, rtl-sdr, HackRF and USRP devices. * Discover devices attached to the computer. * Process I/Q data from the supported devices. * Change frequency, gain and apply various corrections (frequency, I/Q balance). * AM, SSB, FM-N and FM-W (mono and stereo) demodulators. * Special FM mode for NOAA APT. * Variable band pass filter. * AGC, squelch and noise blankers. * FFT plot and waterfall. * Record and playback audio to / from WAV file. * Record and playback raw baseband data. * Spectrum analyzer mode where all signal processing is disabled. * Basic remote control through TCP connection. * Streaming audio output over UDP. EOF