source $GRIMOIRE/CMAKE_FUNCTIONS SPELL=geos VERSION=3.4.2 SOURCE="${SPELL}-${VERSION}.tar.bz2" SOURCE_URL[0]=${SPELL}/${SOURCE} SOURCE_HASH=sha512:c335608ff5e719ec6f3a6edc157c11fe5aaf9a813bf3c4b1e8a05de7a52584f6f64d5c42e646410c09a2e3cdfd3f8f994bedba37fc60454bbaa7c25ba1d36c9b SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-${VERSION}" WEB_SITE="" LICENSE[0]="LGPL" ENTERED=20091102 KEYWORDS="gis" SHORT="A C++ spatial topology library." cat << EOF GEOS is a complete C++ implementation of the functions and predicates defined in the OpenGIS "Simple Features for SQL" specification. It includes high quality implementations of all the important spatial relationships and operations, robust versions of all functions in the dimensionally extended 9 intersection predicate model, implementations of the operators, Buffer(), Union(), and Intersection(), and all other SFSQL functions including Area(), Length(), Centroid(), etc. EOF