QT_URL=https://download.qt.io/official_releases SPELL=qt6base SPELLX=${SPELL//6}-everywhere-src VERSION=6.2.1 SOURCE_HASH=sha512:9c1c3db8589ce085e1e895dfe6346f2f7a1928defb19e5ea87829f05138f4ceb78e8390c70bda86f430f5c059c4ab73a28e230f792be3cccf38951bdc1ee5dc2 SOURCE=$SPELLX-$VERSION.tar.xz SOURCE_URL=$QT_URL/qt/${VERSION%.?}/$VERSION/submodules/$SOURCE SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELLX-$VERSION # SECURITY_PATCH=2 ENTERED=20210115 LICENSE[0]=LGPL KEYWORDS="qt6 x11 libs" SHORT="Qt6 simplifies writing and maintaining GUI release-service" cat << EOF Qt is a toolkit for software developers. Qt simplifies the task of writing and maintaining GUI (graphical user interface) release-service. Qt is written in C++ and is fully object-oriented. Qt is a multi-platform toolkit. When you implement a program with Qt, you can run it on the X Window System (Unix/X11) or Microsoft Windows NT/95/98/2000. Simply compile the source code for the platform you want. EOF