SPELL=pdfjam VERSION=1.20 SOURCE="${SPELL}_${VERSION}.tgz" SOURCE_URL[0]=http://www.warwick.ac.uk/go/${SPELL}/${SOURCE} SOURCE_HASH=sha512:06aa5b5de8374e09dad61bfea81be005938418aa4e2fad54b3e9f7f35410e9367b44be2cc43babfa8f89a1a8d3839935725229f849411fe21a970e8732c6917c SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}" WEB_SITE="http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/statistics/staff/academic/firth/software/pdfjam" LICENSE[0]=GPL ENTERED=20070625 SHORT="a small collection of shell scripts which provide a simple interface to some of the functionality of the excellent pdfpages package" cat << EOF PDFjam is a small collection of shell scripts which provide a simple interface to some of the functionality of the excellent pdfpages package (by Andreas Matthias) for pdfLaTeX. At present the utilities available are: * pdfnup, which allows PDF files to be "n-upped" in roughly the way that psnup does for PostScript files. * pdfjoin, which concatenates the pages of multiple PDF files together into a single file * pdf90, which rotates the pages of one or more PDF files through 90 degrees (anti-clockwise). In every case, source files are left unchanged. EOF