SPELL=epstool VERSION=3.08 SOURCE=epstool-3.08.tar.gz SOURCE_URL[0]=ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/ghostgum/epstool-3.08.tar.gz SOURCE_HASH=sha512:d6d70825c7d08cca318503bd8c12b48408b6d6cd3a64f26df94890373a3e73b68dc09a4eb454b81893c7ee3c11da791cdfed7466eb1410414cd1b97d80e8abf1 SOURCE_DIRECTORY=${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-${VERSION} WEB_SITE=http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/gsview/epstool.htm ENTERED=20060721 LICENSE[0]=GPL SHORT="A tool to work with eps files (previews/bounding box/bitmap conversion)" cat << EOF epstool can do several useful things with EPS files: - Add EPSI, DOS EPS or Mac PICT previews. - Extract PostScript from DOS EPS files. - Create a TIFF, WMF, PICT or Interchange preview from part of a bitmap created by Ghostscript. - Repair BoundingBox - convert to bitmap It uses ghostscript for a good deal of the work, but it's not just a "dumb" frontend saving you some gs options... EOF