. "$GRIMOIRE/FUNCTIONS" && message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}PEAR support will enable the CLI version and force depends on libxml2" && message "It will also enable some PCRE support (internal recommended)${DEFAULT_COLOR}" && # prior pear enabledness if list_find "$PHP5_OPTS" "--enable-pear" ; then PHP5_PEAR="y" fi && config_query PHP5_PEAR "Do you want PEAR support?" y && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable IPv6?" n \ "--enable-ipv6" "--disable-ipv6" && if is_version_less "${VERSION}" 5.4; then config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable PHP safe mode?" n \ "--enable-safe-mode" \ "--disable-safe-mode" fi && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable sockets support?" y \ "--enable-sockets" "--disable-sockets" && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable FTP support?" y \ "--enable-ftp" "--disable-ftp" && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable calendar support?" y \ "--enable-calendar" "--disable-calendar" && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable pcntl support (Only affects CLI/CGI)" n \ "--enable-pcntl" "--disable-pcntl" && message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Apache-based and *CGI SAPIs are mutually exclusive (though both FastCGI and CGI can be enabled at the same time)${DEFAULT_COLOR}" && config_query_list PHP5_SAPI "What SAPI do you want to use?" \ apache cgi none && if [[ $PHP5_SAPI == cgi ]]; then list_add "PHP5_OPTS" "--enable-cgi --without-apxs --without-apxs2" && if is_version_less "${VERSION}" 5.3; then config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable FastCGI SAPI?" n \ "--enable-fastcgi" "--disable-fastcgi" else message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}The FastCGI SAPI is now always enabled since PHP 5.3.0${DEFAULT_COLOR}" fi elif [[ $PHP5_SAPI == apache ]]; then config_query_list PHP5_APACHE "Which Apache module to build?" \ handler filter fi && if [[ "${PHP5_PEAR}" == "y" ]] || list_find "$PHP5_OPTS" "--enable-cgi" || list_find "$PHP5_OPTS" "--enable-fastcgi" ; then message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Enabling CLI version for PEAR/CGI/FastCGI support${DEFAULT_COLOR}" && list_add "PHP5_OPTS" "--enable-cli" else config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable CLI version?" y \ "--enable-cli" \ "--disable-cli" fi && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable multibyte support?" n \ "--enable-mbstring --enable-mbregex" \ "--disable-mbstring --disable-mbregex" && message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}See http://us.php.net/dba.installation for more info${DEFAULT_COLOR}" && message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Not recommended: dbm, ndbm. NOTE: qdbm conflicts with dbm and gdbm${DEFAULT_COLOR}" && config_query_multi PHP5_DBA_DRIVERS "Select dbm-style database drivers (if any)" none gdbm db4 flatfile inifile qdbm && if ! list_find "${PHP5_DBA_DRIVERS}" "none"; then list_add "PHP5_OPTS" "--enable-dba" && if list_find "${PHP5_DBA_DRIVERS}" "flatfile"; then list_add "PHP5_OPTS" "--enable-inifile" else list_add "PHP5_OPTS" "--disable-inifile" fi && if list_find "${PHP5_DBA_DRIVERS}" "flatfile"; then list_add "PHP5_OPTS" "--enable-flatfile" else list_add "PHP5_OPTS" "--disable-flatfile" fi else list_add "PHP5_OPTS" "--disable-dba" fi && # get the native simple drivers if is_version_less "${VERSION}" 5.3; then # 5.2 drops SQLite 3 support local DB_DRIVERS="mysql mysqli pgsql sqlite firebird unixODBC iODBC" elif is_version_less "${VERSION}" 5.4; then local DB_DRIVERS="mysql mysqli pgsql sqlite sqlite3 firebird unixODBC iODBC" else # 5.4 drops SQLite 2 support local DB_DRIVERS="mysql mysqli pgsql sqlite3 firebird unixODBC iODBC" fi && config_query_multi PHP5_DATABASE_DRIVERS "Select vendor specific database drivers to install (if any)" \ none all $DB_DRIVERS && # for PDO-only drivers if list_find "${PHP5_DATABASE_DRIVERS}" "sqlite3" || list_find "${PHP5_DATABASE_DRIVERS}" "firebird"; then list_add "PHP5_OPTS" "--enable-pdo" else # ask if they want the PDO drivers for the drivers they selected config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable PHP Data Objects?" y \ "--enable-pdo" \ "--disable-pdo" fi && if list_find "$PHP5_OPTS" "--enable-pdo"; then local PDO_DRIVERS="mysql pgsql unixODBC iODBC" && for foo in $PDO_DRIVERS; do if list_find "${PHP5_DATABASE_DRIVERS}" "$foo" || list_find "${PHP5_DATABASE_DRIVERS}" "all"; then # odbc special case if [[ "$foo" == "unixODBC" ]]; then config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable PDO driver for unixodbc?" n \ "--with-pdo-odbc=unixODBC,${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr" \ "" elif [[ "$foo" == "iODBC" ]]; then config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable PDO driver for libiodbc?" n \ "--with-pdo-odbc=iODBC,${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr" \ "" else config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable PDO driver for $foo?" n \ "--with-pdo-$foo=${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr" \ "--without-pdo-$foo" fi else if [[ "$foo" != "unixODBC" ]] && [[ "$foo" != "iODBC" ]]; then # be sure that the PDO driver is disabled list_add "PHP5_OPTS" "--without-pdo-$foo" fi fi done fi && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable shmop support?" n \ "--enable-shmop" "--disable-shmop" && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable ZIP support?" n \ "--enable-zip" "--disable-zip" && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable System V message queues support?" n \ "--enable-sysvmsg" "--disable-sysvmsg" && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable System V semaphore support?" n \ "--enable-sysvsem" "--disable-sysvsem" && config_query_option PHP5_OPTS "Enable System V shared memory support?" n \ "--enable-sysvshm" "--disable-sysvshm" && config_query_list PHP5_GD "Which GD library to use?" \ none internal external && if [[ "$PHP5_PEAR" == "y" ]]; then config_query_list PHP5_PCRE "Which PCRE library to use (internal reccomended)?" \ internal external else config_query_list PHP5_PCRE "Which PCRE library to use (internal reccomended)?" \ internal external none fi