config_query_option PHP4_SAFE "Enable PHP safe mode?" n \ "--enable-safe-mode" \ "--disable-safe-mode" && config_query_option PHP4_FTP "Enable FTP support?" y \ "--enable-ftp" \ "--disable-ftp" && config_query_option PHP4_CALENDAR "Enable calendar support?" y \ "--enable-calendar" \ "--disable-calendar" && config_query_option PHP4_PCRE "Enable perl regular expressions?" y \ "--with-pcre-regex" \ "--without-pcre-regex" && config_query_option PHP4_PCNTL "Enable experimental pcntl support (CLI/CGI only)" n \ "--enable-pcntl" \ "--disable-pcntl" && # needs --enable-force-cgi-redirect in BUILD config_query_option PHP4_FCGI 'Enable FastCGI module?' y \ '--enable-fastcgi' \ '--disable-fastcgi' && config_query_list PHP4_APACHE 'Which Apache module to build?' \ none handler filter && config_query PHP5_X11LIBS "Would you like to use libxpm? (Requires X11-libs)" n && config_query_list PHP5_GD "Which GD library to use?" \ none internal external