SPELL=leafnode VERSION=1.11.5 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.bz2 SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION SOURCE_URL[0]=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/$SPELL/$SOURCE SOURCE_HASH=sha512:64a9c851c045a31f45be1fa1f781d378f52913a477f4a0250ee2b09df48345f3f2aaa7dac835183ab95f40a5a9cd9fecad63e1b4686e2f4d5e791813ecf3f2d6 WEB_SITE=http://leafnode.sourceforge.net/ ENTERED=20020202 UPDATED=20031119 LICENSE=LGPL KEYWORDS="news" SHORT="Leafnode is a NNTP sever for small site" cat << EOF Leafnode is a USENET software package designed for small sites running any flavour of Unix, with a few tens of readers and only a slow link to the net. It was originally written by Arnt Gulbrandsen and is currently being maintained by Cornelius Krasel . The package consists of several programs: * Leafnode is the NNTP server. It talks to the normal news clients, and stores readership data. * Fetchnews is the program which gets news from upstream servers and sends your posted articles to the upstream servers. It also can find out which groups you read and gets articles accordingly. * Fetch supports filtering incoming articles for regular expressions. * Texpire is responsible for deleting old and uninteresting news. It deletes all discussion threads that are old and not recently read. * Applyfilter applies the contents of your filterfile to articles that you have already retrieved. * Checkgroups inserts the titles of newsgroups into the newsgroup database. * Newsq shows which news are waiting to be transferred to your upstream server. EOF