SPELL=libsyncml VERSION=0.5.4 SOURCE_HASH=sha512:aed0821d01eaaa3fef69d559820875591d3837b3968be24293fc41924b3599a2810d2b4cc29f82e6f4058a212eae5f71021bd96a046b568e7cb1a036ba8f37aa SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.bz2 SOURCE_URL[0]=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/$SPELL/$SOURCE SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/$SPELL-$VERSION" WEB_SITE=http://libsyncml.opensync.org/ LICENSE[0]=LGPL ENTERED=20061110 SHORT="Libsyncml is a implementation of the SyncML protocol." cat << EOF Libsyncml is a implementation of the SyncML protocol. The goals of Libsyncml are: * Provide a reliable implementation of the syncml standard * Implement the Data Synchronization part. Optionally the Device Management part later * Size. Libsyncml should have a small footprint so that it can be used on mobile devices * Support of many transport bindings like http server and client and obex over IR, bluetooth etc * Support for wbxml using libwbxml * Direct parsing of wbxml without the need to convert wbxml into xml * Portability. The framework should run on as many platforms as possible (Linux, Windows, Mac OS, BSD, etc) * Easily usable from other languages. Libsyncml is written in c so that i can be embedded into other languages * Support for Syncml 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 The license of the Libsyncml is LGPL EOF