SPELL=lua-xmlreader VERSION=0.1 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.gz SOURCE_URL[0]=http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3053/$SOURCE SOURCE_HASH=sha512:7745a6889136a61dc2f9d36b988f2c57158217dd661fc801d8629d78ed170f6e55529b24ad4fdc3c79219fe811d30ea57fcbf5a09527316b6800bcb054eb721d SOURCE_DIRECTORY="$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION" WEB_SITE=http://asbradbury.org/projects/lua-xmlreader/ LICENSE[0]=MIT ENTERED=20080805 SHORT="Lua implementation of the XmlReader API using libxml2" cat << EOF lua-xmlreader provides the XmlReader API to Lua applications using LibXML2. XmlReader is an API introduced in C# that is arguably easier to use than SAX. It provides a pull interface where you control the reader, which is a cursor moving along the document. Call methods such as reader:name() to get information about the current node and reader:read() to advance to the next. This has the advantage versus a tree model such as DOM that the whole document does not need to be loaded into memory at once. The many articles and tutorials available online referring to XmlReader/XmlTextReader in C#, Java or other languages should all be useful if you want to better understand this method of handling XML. EOF