config_query UIMANTHY "Build with anthy support?" y && if [[ $UIMANTHY == y ]] then config_query_option UIMCONF "Build with UTF-8 libanthy support?" "y" \ "--with-anthy-utf8" \ "--with-anthy" fi && config_query UIMFEP "Build uim-fep?" y && if [[ $UIMFEP == y ]] then UIMCONF="$UIMCONF --enable-fep" else UIMCONF="$UIMCONF --disable-fep" fi && config_query_option UIMCONF "Build uim.el (for emacs support)?" y \ "--enable-emacs" "--disable-emacs" && config_query_option UIMCONF "Build dictionary utility (for Anthy and Canna)?" n \ "--enable-dict" "--disable-dict" && config_query_option UIMCONF "Build KDE panel applet?" y \ "--enable-kde-applet" "--disable-kde-applet" && config_query_option UIMCONF "Build graphical conf editor?" y \ "--enable-pref" "--disable-pref"