SPELL=xlog VERSION=1.6.2 SOURCE=${SPELL}\-$VERSION.tar.gz SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION SOURCE_URL[0]=http://pg4i.chronos.org.uk/download/$SOURCE WEB_SITE=http://pg4i.chronos.org.uk/linux/xlog.html LICENSE[0]=GPL SOURCE_HASH=sha512:decd044d593debdb3c9971d170430b1f8228564bbd83b0b119029e4467b8ae892db4987e9d1edd3b29400810ca0216a780ecf99b94c0eaa3904ee62fc9be495d ENTERED=20011110 KEYWORDS="radio ham" SHORT="xlog is a ham radio logging program for X" cat << EOF Xlog will display a log with the most recent contacts added to the top. You can add, delete and edit log entries. The log is saved into a text file. When clicking on the log column called "Call", you can sort the log either ascending, descending or by entry. Xlog is able to do DXCC lookups and will display country information, CQ and ITU zone, location in latitude and longitude and distance and heading in kilometers or miles, both for short and long path. EOF