2009-09-24 Andraž "ruskie" Levstik * DEPENDS: switch from tetex to texlive [auto] 2006-10-03 Juuso Alasuutari * DETAILS: [automated] Removed UPDATED. 2006-09-21 Juuso Alasuutari * DETAILS: [automated] Removed MAINTAINER. 2006-06-12 Arwed v. Merkatz * DETAILS: inserted BUILD_API=1 line 2006-03-12 Karsten Behrmann * DETAILS: (automated) Add KEYWORDS 2005-12-01 Seth Woolley * DETAILS: MD5 -> SHA512 2004-07-18 Eric Sandall * DEPENDS: teTeX renamed to tetex Formatted to Guru Handbook 2004-02-29 Treeve Jelbert * DETAILS: new website and url fixes bug #6178 * HISTORY: reformatted 2003-01-21 Andrew Stitt * DETAILS: Fixed homepage link. 2002-08-01 Andrew Stitt * Fixed this file to be accurate 2002-07-31 Andrew Stitt * Created this spell