SPELL=imagemagick SPELLX=ImageMagick VERSION=7.1.0-9 SOURCE_HASH=sha512:bc3a6688de023f6d141bbfef6d1d5ea898a6d76c19a2179dea27f4a15efad3fa8d34a99598815601b1f544278cb7ed1b226afcc5f1d20c2354491dfc9a4ac3f9 SECURITY_PATCH=6 SOURCE=$SPELLX-$VERSION.tar.gz SOURCE_DIRECTORY="$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELLX-$VERSION" SOURCE_URL[0]="https://imagemagick.org/download/${SOURCE}" CCACHE="off" WEB_SITE=http://www.imagemagick.org/ ENTERED=20010922 LICENSE[0]=http://www.imagemagick.org/www/Copyright.html KEYWORDS="images graphics" SHORT="Automated and interactive manipulation of images" cat << EOF ImageMagick (TM) is a package for the automated and interative manipulation of images. It supports the display and interactive manipulation of images when used with the X Window System. Although the software is copyrighted, it is available for free and can be redistributed without fee. ImageMagick may be used as a component of both open source and proprietary applications. ImageMagick compiles and runs under Unix, Linux, Windows '95 and later, Apple MacOS, and Compaq VMS. Binary packages are available for most operating systems. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are provided to support development of image processing applications in the C, C++, and Perl languages. EOF