SPELL=opencsg VERSION=1.4.2 SOURCE="OpenCSG-${VERSION}.tar.gz" SOURCE_URL[0]=http://www.${SPELL}.org/${SOURCE} SOURCE_HASH=sha512:fbe6f925982717ecca7bd0eacc4fc5b362c80c7663b1ff0d9a228f2b5e1d3625d3e6d324d9e634665c74e9c0fc37d10290ece293e59a3eba67035b6b700b7778 SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/OpenCSG-${VERSION}" WEB_SITE="http://www.opencsg.org" LICENSE[0]=GPL ENTERED=20190714 SHORT="a library that does image-based CSG rendering using OpenGL" cat << EOF OpenCSG is a library that does image-based CSG rendering using OpenGL. CSG is short for Constructive Solid Geometry and denotes an approach to model complex 3D-shapes using simpler ones. I.e., two shapes can be combined by taking the union of them, by intersecting them, or by subtracting one shape of the other. EOF