2018-12-01 Florian Franzmann * DETAILS: version 1.11.4 2018-04-29 Florian Franzmann * DETAILS: version 1.10.12 2017-11-11 Florian Franzmann * DETAILS: version 1.10.9 * DEPENDS, BUILD: adapt dependencies 2015-05-25 Thomas Orgis * DETAILS: remove SOURCEFORGE_URL usage (automated) 2013-03-10 Florian Franzmann * DETAILS: version 1-8-1 2012-04-14 Florian Franzmann * DETAILS: version 1-7-4 2012-01-06 Florian Franzmann * DETAILS: version 1-7-3 2011-07-30 Florian Franzmann * DEPENDS: changed dependency on g++ to dependency on gcc with sub-depends on CXX (scripted) 2010-11-23 Robin Cook * DETAILS: updated VERSION to 1-7-2 2010-07-05 Peng Chang (Charles) * DETAILS: updated spell to 1-7-1 2010-04-07 Peng Chang (Charles) * DETAILS: updated spell to 1-7-0 fixed long description wrap fixed WEB_SITE 2009-04-12 Eric Sandall * DETAILS: Updated to 1-6-2 SOURCE no longer includes linux_osx- SOURCE_DIRECTORY is now plain ogre * DEPENDS: devil and freeimage support conflict, note this and list devil first as it's recommended * BUILD: Force disable freeimage if using devil, as even passing --disable-freeimage when enabling devil doesn't seem to work 2008-09-03 Mathieu Lonjaret * DEPENDS: fixed mistake: s/enable/disable/ 2008-01-28 Jaka Kranjc * PRE_SUB_DEPENDS: removed is_depends_enabled.function reference 2008-01-06 Eric Sandall * DETAILS: Updated to 1.4.6 * PRE_SUB_DEPENDS, SUB_DEPENDS: Allow forcing dependency on cegui Allow forcing dependency on devil 2007-08-21 Florian Franzmann * BUILD: added a missing $ which made BUILD fail 2007-07-09 Treeve Jelbert * DETAILS: version 1-4-3 * DEPENDS: add optional boost (for threading) add freeimage, pkgconfig, ode, g++ cegui is optional clear out old logic * CONFIGURE, BUILD: adjust threading support clear out old logic 2006-10-17 Jaka Kranjc * DEPENDS: libcg is a cross-grimoire dependency 2006-03-12 Karsten Behrmann * DETAILS: (automated) Add KEYWORDS 2005-12-22 Eric Sandall * DEPENDS: Depends on libmng 2005-10-11 David Brown * DETAILS: updated 1-0-5 2005-06-11 Eric Sandall * DETAILS: Updated to 1-0-2 2005-05-11 Eric Sandall * DETAILS: Updated to 1-0-1 * INSTALL,CEGUI-OGRE.pc: Removed, now included in this release 2005-03-11 Eric Sandall * DETAILS: Updated UPDATED * INSTALL: Missed a "/" for /usr/lib 2005-03-10 Eric Sandall * DETAILS: Updated UPDATED * INSTALL: Install CEGUI-OGRE.pc * CEGUI-OGRE.pc: Added for packages to find the CEGUI-OGRE libs Updated to include ${includedir}/CEGUI and link against CEGUI 2005-03-09 Eric Sandall * DETIALS: Updated to 1-0-0 * CONFIGURE: Added option for threading, double float precision, config GUI, and platform Defaults to using gtk for both GUI and PLATFORM as it works for both * DEPENDS: Cg renamed to libcg libcg and devil are optional now Setup dependencies based on CONFIGURE Depends on stlport, zziplib, and cegui * BUILD: Apply CONFIGURE options to OPTS 2004-12-07 David Braaten * DETAILS: Version 0-15-1. 2004-11-19 Eric Sandall * DETAILS: Updated to 0-15-0 Removed MAINTAINER Added BUILD_API=2 2004-08-03 Eric Sandall * DEPENDS: SDL renamed to sdl 2004-05-15 David Braaten * DETAILS: Version++ (0-14-0). * DEPENDS: added Cg. (Cg new in z-rejected grimoire) 2004-01-25 David Braaten * DETAILS: Version++ (0-13-0). 2004-01-15 Eric Sandall * DETAILS: Updated to 0-12-3 2003-12-06 David Braaten * DETAILS: Version++ (0-12-2). 2003-10-17 David Braaten * DETAILS: Version++ (0-12-1). 2003-10-08 Eric Sandall * Created