. "${GRIMOIRE}/FUNCTIONS" source $GRIMOIRE/MESON_FUNCTIONS SPELL=mesa if [[ "${MESA_BRANCH}" == "scm" ]]; then VERSION=$(get_scm_version) SOURCE="${SPELL}-git.tar.xz" FORCE_DOWNLOAD="on" SOURCE_URL[0]="git_http://gitlab.freedesktop.org/${SPELL}/${SPELL}.git:${SPELL}-git" SOURCE_IGNORE="volatile" SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-git" else VERSION=19.2.2 SOURCE=mesa-$VERSION.tar.xz SOURCE_URL[0]="https://mesa.freedesktop.org/archive/${SOURCE}" SOURCE2=$SOURCE.sig SOURCE2_URL[0]=${SOURCE_URL[0]}.sig SOURCE_GPG=freedesktop.gpg:$SOURCE.sig:UPSTREAM_KEY SOURCE2_IGNORE=signature SOURCE_DIRECTORY=${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/mesa-${VERSION} fi LICENSE[0]=GPL WEB_SITE=https://www.mesa3d.org/ KEYWORDS="graphics libs" ENTERED=20171020 SHORT="Mesa implementation of the OpenGL(TM) API" cat << EOF this is a complete rewrite of the original mesalib spell, using the meson build system The Mesa project began as an open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification - a system for rendering interactive 3D graphics. Over the years the project has grown to implement more graphics APIs, including OpenGL ES (versions 1, 2, 3), OpenCL, OpenMAX, VDPAU, VA API, XvMC and Vulkan. A variety of device drivers allows the Mesa libraries to be used in many different environments ranging from software emulation to complete hardware acceleration for modern GPUs. Mesa ties into several other open-source projects: the Direct Rendering Infrastructure and X.org to provide OpenGL support on Linux, FreeBSD and other operating systems. EOF