SPELL=glitz VERSION=0.5.6 SOURCE_HASH=sha512:9005e532a2163f36b3f1dfbe870a321bf87a672c6f5e46687c6847de99c12140a0584bfcf2109c479c76087830d6880531ca23368627706bab8ce9d463cf4924 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.gz SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION SOURCE_URL[0]=http://cairographics.org/snapshots/$SOURCE WEB_SITE=http://cairographics.org # SOURCE_GPG="gurus.gpg:${SOURCE}.sig" LICENSE[0]=BSD ENTERED=20040617 KEYWORDS="opengl graphics libs" SHORT="Glitz is a portable 2D graphics library that uses OpenGL" cat << EOF Glitz is a portable 2D graphics library that uses OpenGL to render hardware accelerated graphics. It supports many of the latest OpenGL features, such as efficient off-screen rendering using pbuffers. Rendering can be carried out by arbitrary OpenGL layers, thanks to glitz's extensible backend system. Glitz is designed to match the X Render Extension semantics and provides a general way for accelerating this imaging model. Glitz can be used as a stand-alone layer above OpenGL but is also designed to act as a backend for cairo, providing it with OpenGL accelerated output. EOF