. "$GRIMOIRE/FUNCTIONS" && depends glib2 && depends json-glib && depends babl && depends gtk+2 && depends libpng && depends JPEG && if spell_ok babl && is_version_less $(installed_version babl) 0.1.14; then force_depends babl fi && optional_depends gdk-pixbuf2 \ "--with-gdk-pixbuf" \ "--without-gdk-pixbuf" \ "for gdk-pixbuf support" && optional_depends sdl \ "--with-sdl" \ "--without-sdl" \ "for SDL support" && optional_depends jasper \ "--with-jasper" \ "--without-jasper" \ "for Jasper support" && optional_depends openexr \ "--with-openexr" \ "--without-openexr" \ "for EXR file format support" && optional_depends cairo \ "--with-cairo" \ "--without-cairo" \ "for font handling" && optional_depends pango \ "--with-pango" \ "--without-pango" \ "for font handling" && optional_depends librsvg2 \ "--with-librsvg" \ "--without-librsvg" \ "for SVG support" && optional_depends vala \ "--with-vala" \ "--without-vala" \ "for vala support" && optional_depends LUA \ "--with-lua" \ "--without-lua" \ "for Lua support" && optional_depends asciidoc \ "--enable-docs" \ "--disable-docs" \ "for documentation" && optional_depends LIBAVCODEC \ "--with-libavformat" \ "--without-libavformat" \ "for ffmpeg support" && optional_depends v4l-utils \ "--with-libv4l" \ "--without-libv4l" \ "for video4linux support" && optional_depends exiv2 \ "--with-exiv2" \ "--without-exiv2" \ "for image metadata (Exif, IPTC, and XMP) support" && optional_depends graphviz \ "--with-graphviz" \ "--without-graphviz" \ "for graphviz support" && optional_depends lensfun \ "--with-lensfun" \ "--without-lensfun" \ "for lensfun support" && optional_depends gtk-doc \ "--enable-gtk-doc" \ "--disable-gtk-doc" \ "build documentation with gtk-doc"