depends zlib && depends bzip2 && optional_depends libpng \ "--with-png=yes" \ "--with-png=no" \ "to support png compressed OpenType embedded bitmaps" && # freetype2 with harfbuzz requires harfbuzz built against freetype2 first if spell_ok ${SPELL}; then optional_depends -sub 'FT' 'harfbuzz' \ '--with-harfbuzz=yes' \ '--with-harfbuzz=no' \ 'to improve auto-hinting of OpenType fonts' && # LDFLAGS are taken from /usr/lib/ if is_depends_enabled $SPELL harfbuzz; then if is_depends_enabled harfbuzz glib2; then depends glib2 && depends pcre fi fi else message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}harfbuzz optional dependency disabled until ${DEFAULT_COLOR}${SPELL_COLOR}${SPELL}${DEFAULT_COLOR}${PROBLEM_COLOR} is cast.${DEFAULT_COLOR}" && persistent_add FREETYPE_OPTS && list_add FREETYPE_OPTS "--with-harfbuzz=no" fi