source $GRIMOIRE/CMAKE_FUNCTIONS SPELL=coin VERSION=4.0.0 SOURCE=coin-$ SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/coin-6enkw SOURCE_URL[0]=${SOURCE} SOURCE_HASH=sha512:f4ca6188bed8b9f728128072ca042f69d84c38f53d9e29bd91335d5ba01535e1d337845d5370ea82cdeddd870b3317d4cc779136237e4c28a639b18c33a7783a LICENSE[0]=GPL WEB_SITE= PATCHLEVEL=1 ENTERED=20100705 SHORT="Open Inventor 2.1 API compatible 3D graphics libary" cat << EOF Coin is an OpenGL-based, 3D graphics library that has its roots in the Open Inventor 2.1 API, which Coin still is compatible with. If you are not familiar with Open Inventor, it is a scene-graph based, retain-mode, rendering and model manipulation, C++ class library, originally designed by SGI. It quickly became the de facto standard graphics library for 3D visualization and visual simulation software in the scientific and engineering community after its release. It also became the basis for the VRML1 file format standard. Several books exists on the subject of Open Inventor, most notably The Inventor Mentor, and The Inventor Toolmaker, both highly recommended for those who wants to learn how to use Open Inventor. EOF