#for opentracker to build, libowfat needs to be compiled with gcc, #not with diet, so easy way out atm is to dispel dietlibc #if necessary and recast libowfat without it. Beats me. sed -i -r 's:^# (.*/opt/diet):\1:' Makefile && sed -i -r \ 's:^# (LIBOWFAT_HEADERS=\$\(PREFIX\)/include$):\1:' \ Makefile && sed -i -r \ 's:^# (LIBOWFAT_LIBRARY=\$\(PREFIX\)/lib$):\1:' \ Makefile && sed -i -r 's:^(PREFIX\?=\.\.):#\1:' Makefile && sed -i -r \ 's:^(LIBOWFAT_HEADERS=\$\(PREFIX\)/libowfat):#\1:' \ Makefile && sed -i -r \ 's:^(LIBOWFAT_LIBRARY=\$\(PREFIX\)/libowfat):#\1:' \ Makefile && #works for me. getting an error about ip6 address otherwise. #reported upstream. sed -i -r \ 's:^#(FEATURES\+=-DWANT_BROKEN_OPENBSD_V6_API$):\1:' \ Makefile && make