SPELL=ghostscript-fonts-other VERSION=6.0 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.gz SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/fonts SOURCE_URL[0]=$SOURCEFORGE_URL/ghostscript/$SOURCE SOURCE_URL[1]=http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/ghost/fonts/$SOURCE WEB_SITE=http://www.ghostscript.com LICENSE[0]=GPL SOURCE_GPG="gurus.gpg:${SOURCE}.sig" GATHER_DOCS=off ENTERED=20010922 ARCHIVE="off" KEYWORDS="ghostscript fonts printer" SHORT="Optional fonts for ghostscript" cat << EOF Ghostscript is the name of a set of software that provides: * An interpreter for the PostScript language and the PDF file format, * A set of C procedures (the Ghostscript library) that implement the graphics capabilities that appear as primitive operations in the PostScript language, and * A wide variety of output drivers for various file formats and printers. EOF