SPELL=noto-mono SPELLX=NotoMono-hinted VERSION=20170525 SOURCE_HASH=sha512:15df12f0972959eccd29667b012fc83421ad6b3c84641fa87581b44bf39f9d7ef7f64bde785db9b84a959efdcee45fd0efa6ff53ac271068e4d9e07f719b1884 SOURCE=$SPELLX-$VERSION.zip DOCS="README LICENSE AUTHORS NEWS BUGS *.txt" # Original source provides no versioning and the git repo is also not of much help. # SOURCE_URL[0]=https://noto-website.storage.googleapis.com/pkgs/$SPELLX.zip SOURCE_URL=http://sobukus.de/noto/$SOURCE SOURCE_DIRECTORY="$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL" WEB_SITE=https://www.google.com/get/noto LICENSE[0]="OFL" KEYWORDS="fonts ttf" SHORT="font family with a harmonious look and feel" cat << EOF Google has been developing a font family called Noto, which aims to support all languages with a harmonious look and feel. Noto is Google’s answer to tofu. The name noto is to convey the idea that Google’s goal is to see “no more tofu”. Noto has multiple styles and weights, and freely available to all. EOF