. "$GRIMOIRE/FUNCTIONS" SPELL=egg VERSION=$(get_scm_version) SOURCE="${SPELL}-git.tar.bz2" SOURCE_URL[0]=git://github.com/byplayer/${SPELL}.git:${SPELL}-git FORCE_DOWNLOAD=on SOURCE_IGNORE=volatile SOURCE_DIRECTORY="${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}-git" WEB_SITE="https://github.com/byplayer/egg" LICENSE[0]=GPL ENTERED=20101208 SHORT="Emacs Got Git" cat << EOF It's a suite composed of a minor-mode and various special-buffers presenting different UIs to help the user performing many git operations. Provides a git-specific interface, for browsing and interactive manipulation of history, comparing revisions, merging and rebasing, stashing, stagging, ref creation and deletion, pushing and fetching, out-of-scope grepping, and commiting. EOF