SPELL=e17 if [[ "$E17_BRANCH" == "scm" ]]; then if [[ "$E17_AUTOUPDATE" == "y" ]]; then VERSION=$(date +%Y%m%d) else VERSION=git fi SOURCE=enlightenment-0.17-git.tar.bz2 PATCHLEVEL=6 FORCE_DOWNLOAD=on SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/enlightenment-0.17-git SOURCE_URL[0]=git://git.enlightenment.org/core/enlightenment.git:enlightenment-0.17-git SOURCE_IGNORE=volatile else VERSION=0.17.0 SOURCE=enlightenment-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 SOURCE_GPG="gurus.gpg:${SOURCE}.sig:WORKS_FOR_ME" SOURCE_URL=http://download.enlightenment.org/releases/${SOURCE} SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/enlightenment-${VERSION} fi LICENSE[0]=BSD WEB_SITE=http://www.enlightenment.org/ KEYWORDS="e17 enlightenment wm windowmanager" ENTERED=20010922 SHORT="E17 is a themeable, fast, flexible X11 windows Manager" cat << EOF Enlightenment R17 is a themeable, fast, flexible, and powerful window manager that is designed to be as configurable as possible in both look and feel. In addition, Enlightenment provides an applet API that provides functionality somewhere between the GNOME applet system and Dock Apps from Afterstep/WindowMaker. The current design aim is for Enlightenment to become a desktop shell. EOF