depends scons && depends readline && depends -sub CXX gcc && depends -sub CPP pcre '--use-system-pcre' && depends -sub "THREAD FILESYSTEM PROGRAM_OPTIONS" boost '--use-system-boost' && optional_depends google-perftools \ "--use-system-tcmalloc" \ "" \ "to use system version of tcmalloc library" && optional_depends snappy \ "--use-system-snappy" \ "" \ "to use system version of snappy library" && optional_depends LIBSASL \ "--use-sasl-client" \ "" \ "for SASL authentication in the client library" && optional_depends SSL "--ssl" "" "for OpenSSL support" && optional_depends libpcap "" "" "to build mongosniff utility" && optional_depends distcc "--distcc" "" "to use distcc for distributing builds"