# Attempt is made here to lock in Webmin configuration, # # making it more predictable and secure. # Port and password are generated using week random # generators, but that may still be better than human. # These values will be preserved in the compile log, # making it possible to recover. # readonly ALPHABET="1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz" && config_dir="/etc/webmin" && var_dir="/var/log/webmin" && perl="`which perl`" && host="`hostname`" && # # generate port number between 2048 and (16384 - 1) # port=$((RANDOM % (16384 - 2048) + 2048)) && os_type="debian-linux" && os_version="3.0" && real_os_type="Source Mage GNU/Linux" && real_os_version="1.0" && atboot=1 && nostart="1" && if is_depends_enabled $SPELL net-ssleay; then ssl=1 else ssl=0 fi && login="admin" && password="" && for (( C = 0; C < 8; ++C )) do password="${password}${ALPHABET:RANDOM % 36:1}" done && export config_dir var_dir perl host port \ os_type os_version real_os_type real_os_version \ atboot ssl login password nostart && echo "Default password: $password" && echo "Default port: $port" && mkdir -p /usr/share/webmin && cp -dfR . /usr/share/webmin && cd /usr/share/webmin && ./setup.sh #rm /etc/init.d/webmin