# $Id: DETAILS,v 1.3 2002/10/23 18:55:17 sergeyli Exp $ SPELL=php_users VERSION=0.9a7 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.gz SOURCE_HASH=sha512:292ee4cb1df1c531720f5a1c383c5d14caa549f94e028025720324e2a918b266467e14ce65f3140e835f0353f6903e90b90ed484651fde9f2874465a356b5a5f LICENSE[0]=GPL SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION SOURCE_URL[0]=http://majordojo.com/php_users/$SOURCE WEB_SITE=http://majordojo.com/php_users/ ENTERED=20020729 KEYWORDS="collab php" BUILD_API=1 SHORT="User account management system in PHP" cat << EOF It is a project that enables users to quickly deploy a fully-functional, user registration, email verification, user account management system to their web site in a few easy steps. In fact this simple application enables the following functionality: * user registration system - when users register, their information is stored, and an email is sent to them. Their account will not be activated until they confirm their email address * account management console - browse the users on your system as an administrator and block people's access to the site by disabling their account * provides a simple interface for users to use to edit their own account details and change their password * if users forget their password, they can request it be mailed to them * once a user is logged in, they receive a cookie so that they do not need to relogin in the future; the cookie is optionally encrypted for security * provided variable level access control to resources - users can be assigned a security level which can be used to gate access to resources or functionality inside your app EOF