. $GRIMOIRE/FUNCTIONS && config_query_string DRUPAL_INSTALL_PATH \ "What path do you wish to use for installation (the spell name and version will be added at the end)?" \ "usr/share/www" && config_query_list DRUPAL_DATABASE_ENGINE \ "Which database engine would you like to use?" \ mysql \ postgresql && persistent_add DRUPAL_INSTALLED && if spell_ok ${SPELL} then DRUPAL_INSTALLED="y" else DRUPAL_INSTALLED="n" fi && if [ "${DRUPAL_INSTALLED}" == "n" ] then persistent_add DRUPAL_CREATEDB DRUPAL_CONFIGURE MYSQL_PASSWORD && message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}The MySQL daemon needs to be running to create the database${DEFAULT_COLOR}" && if query "Create the Drupal database?" n then DRUPAL_CREATEDB="y" && if query "Do you need a password to create a database w/MySQL?" y then query_string MYSQL_PASSWORD "What is the MySQL password for root (needed to create the database)? If there is no password, just press enter. " "" fi else DRUPAL_CREATEDB="n" fi && if query "Update the Drupal configuration file?" n then DRUPAL_CONFIGURE="y" else DRUPAL_CONFIGURE="n" fi && if [ "${DRUPAL_CREATEDB}" == "y" ] || [ "${DRUPAL_CONFIGURE}" == "y" ]; then config_query_string DRUPAL_DATABASE_NAME \ "What database name do you wish to use for the database?" \ "drupal" && config_query_string DRUPAL_DATABASE_USER \ "What user name do you wish to use for the database?" \ "nobody" && config_query_string DRUPAL_DATABASE_HOST \ "What host name do you wish to use for the database?" \ "localhost" && config_query_string DRUPAL_DATABASE_PASSWORD \ "What password do you wish to use for the database? Allowed characters include letters, digits, and any of the following: -_!#$%^&*()+={}[]|<>;:?,.~ " \ "password" fi fi