SPELL=netpipe VERSION=3.7.2 SOURCE=NetPIPE-$VERSION.tar.gz SOURCE_HASH=sha512:158c24665bcc55144452c2aeff067e0d853ffca1ecd130d52c3ea7d4068c53e81f9a1133d0cca847d28f597f68b20f01e79811f81ab1396dd18ba2eaaf691430 SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/${SOURCE/\.tar.gz/} SOURCE_URL[0]=http://bitspjoule.org/$SPELL/code/$SOURCE LICENSE[0]=GPL WEB_SITE=http://www.bitspjoule.org/netpipe/ ENTERED=20020606 SHORT="network performance tool" cat << EOF NetPIPE is a protocol independent performance tool that encapsulates the best of ttcp and netperf and visually represents the network performance under a variety of conditions. By taking the end-to-end application view of a network, NetPIPE clearly shows the overhead associated with different protocol layers. Interfaces are available for TCP, PVM and MPI. Netpipe answers such questions as: how soon will a given data block of size k arrive at its destination? which network and protocol will transmit size k blocks the fastest? what is a given network's effective maximum throughput and saturation level? does there exist a block size k for which the throughput is maximized? how much communication overhead is due to the network comm. protocol layer(s)? how quickly will a small (< 1 kbyte) control message arrive, and which network and protocol are best for this purpose? EOF