SPELL=stretchplayer VERSION=0.503 SOURCE=${SPELL}_${VERSION}.orig.tar.gz SOURCE_DIRECTORY=${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/$SPELL-$VERSION SOURCE_URL[0]=http://www.teuton.org/~gabriel/$SPELL/$SOURCE SOURCE_GPG="gurus.gpg:${SOURCE}.sig:WORKS_FOR_ME" WEB_SITE=http://www.teuton.org/~gabriel/stretchplayer/ ENTERED=20120614 LICENSE[0]=GPL SHORT="audio player with time stretch and pitch shift" cat << EOF StretchPlayer is an audio file player that allows you to change the speed of the song without changing the pitch. It will also allow you to transpose the song to another key (while also changing the speed). This is a very powerful tool for musicians who are learning to play a pre-recorded song. EOF