SPELL=mpg123 VERSION=1.29.1 SOURCE=$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.bz2 SOURCE_URL[0]=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/$SPELL/$SOURCE SOURCE_URL[1]=http://mpg123.org/download/$SOURCE SOURCE_HASH=sha512:67d1d122fa41079fd7d4e2ced4bb072178adf646833c7a2aaf8f32414dbf378dda94aa536e3bba396e1e61351078a3217189fb176fca4714b4dc786404eaffc9 SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION WEB_SITE=http://mpg123.org/ ENTERED=20011104 SECURITY_PATCH=11 LICENSE[0]=LGPL SHORT="the fast console MPEG audio player" cat << EOF mpg123 is a real time MPEG1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1,2 and Layer3. It is small/fast and comes with a nice control interface for frontends as well as simple terminal control. You can play streams from http (shoutcast, too) and it supports gapless mp3 playback and relative volume adjustment (normalize RVA2 tags, ReplayGain values). Since version 1.0.0 this package contains libmpg123, the mpg123 decoder as library to be directly used by other programs, too. Since version 1.23.0, there is also libout123, the output modules of mpg123 as library to be re-used. EOF